Friday, February 11, 2011

At speak of recently it interview Washington is period whether gets the United States for instauration Ba with the new proposal of peace negotiations

Ai thunder Carter points out that stopping is setting up to settle down to order is the request that peace"route diagram" in Middle East plans, not Ba Fang is new assertion, Israel should also stop building to insulate a wall, relieve the blockader to the Palestinian person, restriction and stop the invasion to them and injury etc..
At speak of recently it interview Washington is period whether gets the United States for instauration Ba with the new proposal of peace negotiations, Ai thunder Carter said, the United States was making the peace negotiations able to resume in effort, and is studying some be advantageous to peace negotiations of new suggestion, Ba Fang would continue to keep contact with the United States, and every moment prepare to weigh a Qi negotiation.
Ai thunder Carter says that if Israel insists on not to stop at Jordan the Jew of the river west coast and east Jerusalem settle down to order to constuct an activity, Ba Fang will hand in claim UN Security Council solution and request international society to admit a with 1967 war line foundation for the boundary, east Jerusalem acquire the application of UN Security Council formal member is identity for the Palestinian country of capital city, combining handing in.He emphasizes that Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile etc. an American nation declared to admit a kind of performance that Palestine support Palestine for freedom, the way of doing of independent sovereign state, being international society one after another recently.

Palestinian race power organization chairman the tower Ni in Ba Si and Israeli premiers the second beard weighed Qi to break off 20 months of direct peace negotiations in Washington

Last year September 2, Palestinian race power organization chairman the tower Ni in Ba Si and Israeli premiers the second beard weighed Qi to break off 20 months of direct peace negotiations in Washington, but negotiation only carried on two because Israel refuses extension Jordan river west coast the Jew settle down to order limit to set up to make but fall into logjam.
Ai thunder Carter expressed to resume to expect quickly to directly negotiate of wishes.He says:"We aren,t brush - offs negotiation of a square, we hope that resuming is direct to make peace, once the tower Ni in Israeli the premier of the government second beard makes to stop to set up decision, we will immediately resume a negotiation.However, he uses to continue to build the activity of settling down the point to keep us from continuing to make peace.There is news that say that we were waiting a new Israeli government(instauration peace negotiations), we didn,t wait Israeli new government, being him of our etc., is inside tower Ni second beard, the peaceful key holds in the his hand."