Thursday, March 3, 2011

She had the honor of acquiring "the national filial piety respect an old star in person" title

Arrived conjugal age, came to her house to come with a marriage proposal of have a lot, Yang Xing Cui only 1 request, that is to want to pour to put a door, because she needs to look after disable and sick brotherses, the comers can not accept this request while seeing those disable and sick brotherses of Yang Xing Cui and unbearably dilapidated house.Until there was afterwards and finally a youth that didn,t abandon her house to"marry" to come over.Though once there was complaint as well after getting married,was finally moved by her action.
Yang Xing Cui is record of events gradually gets abroad, country borders on to all mean admiration while speaking of her, lately, she had the honor of acquiring "the national filial piety respect an old star in person" title.
In the interview, is asking and Christian Louboutin Sale from now on how arrange these disable and sick brotherses, Yang Xing Cui says:"Most the most difficult hardship of time all pretty passed by, from now on still have what can worry of, can waiting until me not look after them, isn,t the son who still has me?"
Reporter, Liu Rui,
(Responsibility editor:Hou extraordinary talent)
Page 1:the net friend call everywhere and beg a child to sell to sing an amplifier together the style page 2: the amplifier external appearance is consistent
The net friend stumbles on everywhere and begs a child to sell to sing an amplifier together a style
Give relief to beg a child an activity in "with clap" in, the net friend of elaboration had 1 to stumble on.Is a lot of to beg the amplifier that the children uses while selling to sing in street as unified style, this causes net friend is condemning towards begging backstage organization of extensively:"Have no money to have a meal, does the Zha still buy the amplifier of more than 1,000 pieces?"

Mother because the weariness from overwork excessively got an asthma disease

Give up studies for the sake of the care brothers
48-year-old two elder brothers of Yang Xing Cui is all congenital double of eyes to become blind while being born this year, a younger brother who be born after her are also a pair of eyes to become blind, the ruthlessness reality almost lets this families can not bear.For the sake of the kid, Yang Xing Cui is parents every day is go out early and return till late a ground of craft work to keep body and soul together.Since pimping time, sweep floor to do laundry, all of the task of care brothers fall at the body of Yang Xing Cui up.She passes prosperous rice to inside in the hand of the brotherses so much every day and divide the vegetables to them again bowl inside.Wait the brotherses all eat finish, she just in a hurry eat severals, sometimes the meal had no, she still have to endure hunger.
The junior high school sends to her to originally intend to continue to make her study to the parents of high expectation after graduating, can she gave up studies for the sake of the family of care.Drop out from school homingly the second year, mother because the weariness from overwork excessively got an asthma disease, the home burden weighed more, but Yang Xing Cui express in mother is in front very optimistic, also often explaining and convincing a mother has to have peace of mind to convalesce.
The filial piety is close of the emotion move country to border on
18-year-old that year, Yang Xing Cui knows that the disable and sick elder brother of her same mother different fathers lost to depend on after its own father died, then put forward to the mother on one is own initiative and picked up elder brother to come over to together Discount Christian Louboutin lead.She says to the mother:"Anyway there are already 3 disable and sick brotherses in home, be also not afraid of many 1 again."

Look after disable and sick brothers of 4 body severity

The administration of 《nation indemnification method 》 the 3rd rules that revises in April, 2010 compensates inside the scope, Chen the clear circumstance encountered always wasn,t enumerated.Law school professor Wang Xi Xin of University of Peking tells a reporter, 《nation indemnification method 》 inside concerning indemnification enumerating of scope be not exhaust of, wasn,t not meant this circumstance by the circumstance for enumerating to be expeled at indemnification scope outside."《 Civil law general rule 》 121 regulation rules settle, the nation can be a civil case corpus to undertake an infringement responsibility.""If apply 《civil law general rule 》 , can not only compensate, and the scope of indemnification more breadth, way more kinds.As long as can prove the staff member made the affair wrong, and always clear to Chen three soldiers, and employment...etc. produced negative influence and resulted in loss, the nation should undertake an infringement responsibility.The "he suggests that Chen always can walk first clearly 《 nation compensates a method 》of procedure, puts forward an indemnification claim to the national organization, if can not get a nation to compensate, can request parties concerned to undertake an infringement responsibility through a civil case in court.
(Responsibility editor:Hou extraordinary talent)
Look after 4 disable and sick brotherses don,t leave to leave for 30 years
Yang Xing Cui from ping in town gets to review "the national filial piety respects an old star in person"
No longer than 5:00 in the morning, house live ping county in the town grand village in town in the house once of Yang Xing Cui will get Louboutin Sale up to start for a day of busy.Before going out stem and living, she wants to ready to 4 meals of disable and sick brotherses.30 in the last yearses, one is common of village women, look after disable and sick brothers of 4 body severity, don,t leave not to leave, she uses her own weak body and supports to have a this burden heavy house, her simple state of mind moved country to border on.Lately, she is reviewed for the Year 2010 is "the national filial piety kisses to respect an old star".

"Far says that the custody center has already reported public security official is department to rectify a false information in April

At river the north area court of the people, Chen always found out the statement of verdict in those early years clearly, originally drive river the north area court of the people sentence of"Chen always clear" by himself/herself not, but another and oneself together person in Wenzhou of the same surname, resided temporarily at that time at rather wave river north the area Ci city county east mountain village.Chen is always clearly native wave rather person, 2 people was together born in 1984, but the birthday is different.
Exactly is which link wrong?Rather custody center pair bureau chief in wave City far accepts a reporter to cover acknowledgement, is inside of the staff member appeared a mistake when 2002 carries on an information to repair to record, resided temporarily a county at the Ci city at that time east the information mistake of "Chen in Wenzhou always clear" of the mountain village ascends"rather wave Chen always clear" that lived public village in the house.
"The circumstance like this once appeared as well before."Far says that the custody center has already reported public security official is department to rectify a false information in April, 2010.Currently, rather the north area Ci city police substation of river in wave City, rather the north area court of the people etc. unit of river in wave City all always gives an itemized lists of the proof of having no criminal record clearly for Chen Louboutin Sale and took these proof, Chen always clear regrets:"Returning me on the whole is innocent!"
Expert is standpoint
"Drive record of previous crime" can Louboutin Sale apply for indemnification

Friday, February 11, 2011

At speak of recently it interview Washington is period whether gets the United States for instauration Ba with the new proposal of peace negotiations

Ai thunder Carter points out that stopping is setting up to settle down to order is the request that peace"route diagram" in Middle East plans, not Ba Fang is new assertion, Israel should also stop building to insulate a wall, relieve the blockader to the Palestinian person, restriction and stop the invasion to them and injury etc..
At speak of recently it interview Washington is period whether gets the United States for instauration Ba with the new proposal of peace negotiations, Ai thunder Carter said, the United States was making the peace negotiations able to resume in effort, and is studying some be advantageous to peace negotiations of new suggestion, Ba Fang would continue to keep contact with the United States, and every moment prepare to weigh a Qi negotiation.
Ai thunder Carter says that if Israel insists on not to stop at Jordan the Jew of the river west coast and east Jerusalem settle down to order to constuct an activity, Ba Fang will hand in claim UN Security Council solution and request international society to admit a with 1967 war line foundation for the boundary, east Jerusalem acquire the application of UN Security Council formal member is identity for the Palestinian country of capital city, combining handing in.He emphasizes that Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile etc. an American nation declared to admit a kind of performance that Palestine support Palestine for freedom, the way of doing of independent sovereign state, being international society one after another recently.

Palestinian race power organization chairman the tower Ni in Ba Si and Israeli premiers the second beard weighed Qi to break off 20 months of direct peace negotiations in Washington

Last year September 2, Palestinian race power organization chairman the tower Ni in Ba Si and Israeli premiers the second beard weighed Qi to break off 20 months of direct peace negotiations in Washington, but negotiation only carried on two because Israel refuses extension Jordan river west coast the Jew settle down to order limit to set up to make but fall into logjam.
Ai thunder Carter expressed to resume to expect quickly to directly negotiate of wishes.He says:"We aren,t brush - offs negotiation of a square, we hope that resuming is direct to make peace, once the tower Ni in Israeli the premier of the government second beard makes to stop to set up decision, we will immediately resume a negotiation.However, he uses to continue to build the activity of settling down the point to keep us from continuing to make peace.There is news that say that we were waiting a new Israeli government(instauration peace negotiations), we didn,t wait Israeli new government, being him of our etc., is inside tower Ni second beard, the peaceful key holds in the his hand."